Todwick Parish Council will hold its annual Fireworks display on Friday, November 8th, at Todwick Recreation Ground. There is no bonfire this year

  • 6.30 pm Gates open
  • 7.15 pm Children’s ground-level fireworks display
  • 8.00 pm Grand Spectacular Fireworks Display

Children’s Rides and refreshments are available.

Free Admission

Please note: Dogs and personal fireworks and sparklers are strictly forbidden. This is a health and safety requirement and persons in contravention will be asked to leave the ground.

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  1. Debbie says:

    I’m wondering why the display wasn’t last weekend like Kiveton and Anston so household pets wildlife and people suffering from ptsd have to be petrified again. A way forward for parish councils could be to use silent fireworks to music (I’ve now got to give my dog’s medication again three days after bonfire night). I noticed a pole in the Daily Star suggesting 90% of people would welcome silent fireworks giving enjoyment without the stress caused by the noise.

  2. Phil Suttle says:

    Moved to Todwick this year so this was the first display we had been to. Must say it was an absolutely amazing display. Great to see so many people there. Can’t believe there wasn’t an entrance fee. Well done to everyone who organised this great event!!!!

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